Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rediscover your world

Most of the people in the present world tend to the same things in the same manner every day. They get up in the morning at the same time, end up taking the same route to office and back home, order the same dish whenever they eat out, go to same theater to watch a movie, etc., if by chance any unexpected things come up then their whole life is turned upside down. We all know that nature has its ways to keep things in balance. The nature’s motto is “survival of the fittest”.

This video shows Shanky’s initial disappointment when he fails in his initial efforts but with the right motivation from his girl friend, he ended up doing a lot of things. Those things gave him a sense of belonging to himself and his world. The way things end up being a part of you is the biggest part of being a human being. So this is “Discover Project” that is taken up in the video. We in life leave a part of our self in things, which is the reason we tend not to give up our old things. Just for a change try disposing those things that we have a tendency to say I will use it in the future. Then buy a new random thing and try is over, interestingly you might end up liking it more than what you disposed.

Shanky in approximately a month discovered himself in a new way, it doesn’t mean that he will stop trying more new things. Shanky welcomes new people in his project and I am all ready to be a part of this project of it with my list of things to be done before I hit 30.

1)      Backpack to any underdeveloped country for a month to understand the hardships of life.
2)      Business trip to a developed country to know the value of work and time.
3)      Learn a dance form.
4)      Date two foreigners.
5)      Buy a cruiser bike and travel at least half of India.
6)      Learn to play one musically instrument and play in front of a live audience.
7)      Win a karaoke contest.
8)      Spend time with orphan kids.
9)      Sky dive in Australia or New Zealand.
10)   Scuba dive in Maldives.
11)   Quit smoking.
12)   Travel to all states in India and have its special dish of that state.
13)   Buy an IPhone in my money (not under down payment).
14)   Party in Las Vegas
15)   Drink beer and eat pork from a pub in Germany
16)   Meditate in Himalayas.
17)   Participate in a 5k Marathon and complete it.
18)   Take up teaching for underprivileged kids.
19)   Volunteer in helping out a blind person in there exam.
20)   Camp out in the jungle with friends.
21)   Buy a champagne and open like Cameron Dias in the movie “What happened in Vagas”

Next list will be after after I complete this or when I hit 30 ;)

Thanks to eBay for inspiring me to think about 'Discover Project'. You can like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter too.

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